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Rock On! This Week's Sound Bites...6/20/24

By Danny Coleman

originally published: 06/21/2024

Rock On! This Week

"The Way Of The World" is out on Quarto Valley Records who are an independent label and they get behind a lot of artists that are really interesting; Edgar Winter, Sean Chambers, The Immediate Family, Paul Rogers, Savoy Brown and they are a pretty interesting place to land." 

The artist simply known as T-Bear has a long, interesting, musical resume that many would clamor for but for him, it is the result of dedication, hard work, second chances and the good ol' "Right place at the right time." 

As you will read below, the list of talent he has performed, recorded or been associated with is not only immense but stellar as well and with the recent release of "The Way Of the World," his second with Quarto Valley Records, those talents as well as his are on full display. So, in order to understand this amazing songwriter/performer; let's delve into his story. 

"Fortunately, I've been tabbed as a session player and I've played on a lot of records but things opened up for me way back in the late '70s when I got my first record deal with RCA,"  he began. "I put out a record that went to number four worldwide so I started getting a little bit of notoriety. People love the way I play because I play a little differently. I was born in New York City but I was raised in the Caribbean, so I have a lot of Caribbean, Latin and Creole influence in my life and DNA; I love that kind of music. I played percussion to start as a kid and when I came back to the New York area; my parents had a place in Yonkers and they had a piano there and I started playing the piano almost like it was percussion and my parents said, "That's a piano, you can't hit it like a Timbale" and they got me a piano teacher. So, she came over and showed me where to put my hands, I had about three or four lessons with her and then I was on my own. I used to ride my bike into town and vinyl was what you bought in those days; I'd bring the records back, put a small portable record player on top of the piano, play the records and follow along and I developed a really good ear. By the time I was 12, I was playing well enough where I put a band together and then started playing dances as a teenager and then I got a job working at Manny's Music in New York City and I met a ton of these kinds of people. I met all of the roadies and all the artists that came through. I used to get passes to go to the Fillmore East and one night there was an unannounced jam and one of the roadies gave me a backstage pass and I go down there and he knew I played keyboards and all of a sudden Jerry Garcia looks at me, beckons to me, I come out on the stage and sit down at a Wurlitzer and I'm jamming with The Grateful Dead, Traffic and Hot Tuna and from that moment on, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Then I started going to all of the open mic nights in the city, the Village and all around and there was a place called Dr. Generosity's or Dr.G's on 73rd and 2nd; Odetta used to sing there and Richie Havens came through and saw me play and said, "Hey, I'm doing an album; would you play on it?" So, that started my session career and then I toured a bunch for my records and then I got tabbed to play on the KISS records, Billy Squire's records and while I was working with Gene Simmons, he was dating Cher and she said, "Have you got a song for me?" I gave her a really good song and she brought me out to California and I worked with her in the studio and then helped her put a band together and while I was out there, I kind of hooked up with Stephen Stills and I joined his band and played on some of his stuff and then he took me into record. We worked on a song called, "Southern Cross" and I played on that with Crosby, Stills & Nash and then I was off and running because I had the pedigree."

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Quarto Valley Records is making huge strides in the industry with its focus on various genres but their roster does have quite a few Blues artists as well so; why did he choose to go there?

"I know that Bruce Quarto wanted to have a platform for certain artists and he's making some headway, I can tell you; this is actually my second album with them. We did an album three years ago and it was released during COVID so we couldn't go out and tour or do anything but the single that I wrote with Stephen Stills and he plays on it called, "Give It Up" which is on the "Fresh Bear Tracks" record went to number one in Europe; and that was a good start with the label."

Recently, he has been touring with Blues stalwart Walter Trout which has further enriched his list of connections and gig schedule but he says that he and Trout go far beyond a boss/employee relationship.

"I've been on the road for about a year with WalterTrout, we've known each other for 30 years. I met him when he was playing with Canned Heat, we both did a festival called The Musician's Picnic and we got along like great chums. I stayed in touch with him and when he started doing his albums, he called me to write songs with him. So, I've written a few songs for him and one with him and one of the songs on "The Way Of the World" called "Breathe;" he heard it and said, "I wanna put this on my new album called "Broken." So, I said, "Great!" He recorded it and he and I have been really good chums. He called me last year and said, "Hey, my keyboard player can't do the European tour; would you consider coming over there with me?" That was last Spring and I went, had a really good experience, then he asked me to do the festivals last Summer which led to a U.S. tour and then an Australian tour and I'm getting ready to go back out with him in July. He's a great musician, a great writer and a great guitar player with 31 albums and people absolutely love him." 

Ah, but alas, like so many of us, even those at or approaching the pinnacle of their careers can get sidetracked; such was the case with T-Bear as he stepped away from the music business and began "Selling light bulbs" to satisfy a now ex-wife and support a growing family; it wasn't until that marriage broke apart and he found the love of a woman who accepted his passion as her own that he received a second chance shot at the music biz. 

"I started writing and doing sessions again at the urging of my new wife and I was at Robby Krieger's studio, "Horse Latitudes" and Robby walks in and says, "Bear; whatcha' doing here?" I told him I was playing on this guy's record and he asked: "When are you gonna make a record?" I told him I didn't have deep pockets and not enough songs ready yet and he said, "When you do, come here." I said, "Robby, I can't afford your studio" and he said, "This is a private studio and I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.You come here, record here and pay the engineer and the studio is yours while you're making the record" and I said, "Wow, that's an incredibly generous offer" and I thought about it and thought, I'm gonna do it. So, for the next two years, when the studio wasn't in use, I'd go in and cut tracks; 23 tracks, 21 originals I had written in that two year stretch. The other thing Robby said was, "If you're gonna do that here, you've got to let me play on it" and I said, "No problem (laughs)." So, Stephen Stills, Robby Krieger, Edgar Winter, some of the guys from The Heartbreakers, some of the guys from Steely Dan, Chuck Berghofer of The Wrecking Crew, The E Street Horns, two of the guys from Wings, Tony Braunagle, Tom Scott; everybody showed up to play on this record. We finished the record, we were getting ready to mix it and my wife was diagnosed with stage four cancer and passed away shortly thereafter. So, "Fresh Bear Tracks," my first album for Quarto Valley Records is dedicated to her and the last song on it is, "Nina's Song" and they play it on Paris Radio all of the time and it is a very sentimental song and it was the first song I started writing when she said, "Start writing a record." Before she passed, she gave me a note and she had written down, "Finish the record, put it out, go out on tour, live your best life, fall in love again" and so, that's my mantra. So, COVID comes, we put the record out, Walter and Stephen Stills traded licks on "Give It Up" that Stephen and I wrote 30 years before and it went to number one. So, in a sense, I was back; we couldn't go out because of COVID but I started writing "Way Of The World" and Quarto said, "We love this album, it's getting great reviews, we want you to do another one"  but this time I stayed in-house (laughs). I went to Laurence Juber the guitar player from Wings and Tony Braunagle who produced "Fresh Bear Tracks" and asked if they'd do the record with me. So, I'd go over to Laurence Juber's house, sometimes with a mask in his little home studio and I'd record a song I wrote the day before, put a click track on it, sit at the keyboard and sing, go home; he'd send it over to Tony who had his drums set up in the living room, he'd put the drums down, send it back to Laurence, he would do the guitars and send it over to somebody else who was playing bass and that's how this record was made. It really sounds retro and it sounds really modern and it's getting really great notes on it and I'm really happy I made it because it's an homage to a lot of stuff that goes on in a person's life."

Having written songs for so many others, played on the iconic "Southern Cross" and done so many varying styles; how does he write his own music? 

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"I definitely work outside the box," he laughed, "The way I write songs is, I start with the words first. It is usually either a short story that I'm writing, a poem or some sort of phrase I think about that tickles me. I start putting the words together and I get a thread and then when I get enough lyrics to maybe make a song, I'll go sit down and start to write music. Everyday you're not in the same groove or same vein; for example, "The Way Of The World," the title song, that was the week I was listening to Bob Dylan a lot and because the world was so crazy at that time, which it still is, even crazier, I was listening to "The Times They Are A Changin'" that day and I went wow! The way of the world, let me write something about it. So, I started writing these words and lyrics and they came to me in poem form and I thought; what would Bob write? So, I was off and running; that song is an homage to Bob Dylan."

Despite the aforementioned recording method, T-Bear still enjoys the "Live" recording experience and this latest release does offer some of that. 

"On "The Way Of the World," we put everything together piece by piece except for a song called, "Breathe" and another called, "Jewel." Those were cut in another friend of mine's home studio; JJ Blair because he has a beautiful grand piano and he has the best mic collection in L.A. of anybody I know. I went over there and Tony was in the basement, Laurence was in an isolation booth, Ricky Cortez was in another part of the house with an upright bass and I sat down at the piano in his living room and a Neumann mic. We couldn't see each other but we just counted it off and it was one take, one vocal, live and that's the way we did those tracks and it sounded great because it has that energy, that genuine authenticity of a live performance."

"Authenticity" is something many older musicians feel is lacking in today's technology driven sterile recording environment and T-Bear feels that's a topic where we can all agree to disagree. 

"There are some things that are coming out that are really good and there's like 95 percent of the things that are out there that aren't so good and I'll not say anything worse than that," he spoke carefully. "I will say that the way people are crafting songs today and I'm going to talk as a songwriter; they get eight or ten people in a room and they come up with two lines and two or three chords and you hear those two lines, I don't know; 15 times in a song and that doesn't get it for me. I don't know if that's because of the culture today where people are looking on their phone and it's Tik-Tok or this thing and that thing and they don't spend time; they don't download the album, they're gonna download a single because they don't have time to listen to the other stuff. When I make records, I make them for guys like you and me; people who have a relationship with music. The people who looked at the liner notes to see where it was made, who played on it, what the artist was thinking and that to me is part of the art. When I go on the road with Walter Trout, he says, "There is a song I'm gonna do about me living in a house next to a railroad track" and he tells the story and we play "Ride" about him wanting to get on a train and it tells the story. The way I was brought up as a songwriter was, you're gonna need to tell the story in under three or four minutes in order to ever get it on the radio. I was writing jingles out of  a jingle house in New York and I got a publishing deal and I brought something in for the publisher to listen to and he said, "The song is good, your playing is great but Richie" and I thought, "Oh boy what?" and I could see it coming and he said, "Don't bore us, get to the chorus" and I learned a lot (laughs). There are still songs being written today that are really good, there's just not so many of them and a lot of the people we admired are not here anymore. My influences were Leon Russell, Nicky Hopkins, Dr. John, Professor Longhair; I really dig deep into that kind of stuff and when I put my chops into it, it comes out great."

Back in the saddle and with the new record out and doing well, he has no plans on relaxing as the Summer festival season is in full swing and his "Chum" Walter Trout is calling once again. 

"I'm going out to support the record; "A Change'll Do Me Good" which is about Bo Diddley; it has that Bo Diddley groove because nobody plays that anymore. So, I said, "Let's honor Bo Diddley with a groove and mash it up maybe with a Deep Purple organ" and Laurence starts to chunk along with the guitar and it was feeling really good and it's all about the COVID world at the time; you know, sitting in the BarcaLounger watching Netflix every night and there's a line in there that goes, "I'm lounging in the Barca five days a week, my lows are multiplying and my groove has sprung a leak" and when I wrote that little poem I thought, what can I put with this and it was, oh, Bo Diddley. That went number one on Easter Sunday in the European Hot 100 and the funny thing about it was, Walter's "Broken" with Beth Hart was at number one and I'm climbing the charts and I was out with Walter touring Australia and every week we'd look at the charts and he'd be at number one and I'd be at 14, then I'm at seven and I'd say, "I'm comin' for you Walter" and we'd laugh and then I was at number six and he's still at number one and then the next week, sure enough, I was at number one and he was at number four and so I had to send him a text (laughs) but I've done a lot of opening slots and will do more to support this record and then I'm going out with Walter in July."

To discover more about T-Bear, please visit

That's it for this week! Please continue to support live and original music and until next week....ROCK ON!

This week's event listings

Ace Cafe 
15 Market Place New Hope, PA
Thurs. 6 p.m. Bike Night
Al's Airport Inn
636 Bear Tavern Road West Trenton
(609) 883-5252 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Radio Fiction 
Sat. (12 p.m.) Acoustic Brunch w/ Bill Thomas (5 p.m.) John Brennan
Sun. 12 p.m. Sunday Acoustic Brunch 
Mon. 5 p.m. Joe Hutchinson
Tues. 7 p.m. Mike & Laura
Wed. (4 p.m.) LGBTQ Happy Hour (7 p.m.) Jessica DiDonato
Ancient Order of Hibernians 
2419 Kuser Road Hamilton 
Fri. 7 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Yoga
Aristaeus Brewing
2475C Big Oak Road Langhorne, PA 
(215) 757-2337
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Fri. 7 p.m. Bill Thomas
Sat. 1 p.m. "3rd Anniversary Celebration"  
Arts Council of Princeton 
102 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-8777 
Thurs. 7 p.m. "Story & Verse" A Storytelling, Poetic, Spoken Word Open Mic
Sat. 2 p.m. Artist talk: Dot Paolo of Narratives from My Toy Box
Ashlynn Distillery 
32 West Bridge Street Morrisville, PA 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Cecil & Carl
Fri. 7 p.m. Billy Futrell
Sat. 7 p.m. Soulshine w/ Andrea or Mr. LC
Sun. 3 p.m. Cecil & Troy
Bill's Olde Tavern
2694 Nottingham Way Hamilton
(609) 586-0192
Thurs. 7 p.m. Sara & Tamer
Fri. 7 p.m. Thrown Together
Sat. 7 p.m. Best of Clapton
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Tues. 8 p.m. / Wed. 8 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Burn
Ages 21+
Bit-hin' Kitten Brewery
58-B East Bridge Street Morrisville, PA
(267) 799-5348
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Blueberry Kitchen & Tap Room
400 Main Boulevard #600
Fri. 7 p.m. The Rangers Nouveau
Bordentown City
Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown  
Fri. 7 p.m. "Frightening Fridays!" Haunted History Tours. $20
Sat. 12 p.m. Bordentown Walking Tours. $20 
Boro Bean 
9 East Broad Street Hopewell 
(609) 466-6681 
Sat. 11 a.m. John Abbott 
Bowman's Tavern 
1600 River Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2972
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Dave Dales Trio
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Bennett Lee (8 p.m.) Bob Egan 
Sat. 7 p.m. Kevin Valentine Trio
Sun. (12 p.m.) Bill Avayou Trio (6 p.m.) Lorenzo
Tues. 6 p.m. Chris Giakas
Wed. 6 p.m. Liz DuFour
Bucks On Bridge
25 Bridge Street Lambertville
(609) 483-2615
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Poetry Night 
Tues. 5 p.m. Chess Night
Wed. 6 p.m. Trivia 
Burlington County Library/Amphitheater
5 Pioneer Boulevard West Hampton
(609) 267-9660
Sat. 10 a.m. Nice Hatts Part 1
Candlelight Lounge 
24 Passaic Street Trenton  
(609) 695-9612 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Thursday Night Blues Jam. $5
Sat. 3 p.m. Rob Henderson HFACTOR $20
Catch A Rising Star (Hyatt Regency Princeton) 
102 Carnagie Center Princeton
(781) 568-1471
Fri. 8 p.m. JJ Ramirez. $26.50, Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Sat. 7:30 p.m. JJ Ramirez. $26.50, Doors open at 7 p.m. 
Cazz's Sports Bar 'N' Grille
1560 Haines Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 580-5469 
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paul
Club Atlantis
1858 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 944-1777 
Sat. 9 p.m. DJ Robbie Tronco 
All Events Ages 21+ and Dress to Impress 
Clubhouse at Mountain View (The Patio)
850 Bear Tavern Road Ewing 
(609) 538-0808
Fri. 6:30 p.m. After Dark
Continental Tavern
2 North Main Street Yardley, PA  
(215) 493-9191
Fri. 8 p.m. Just Todd
Sat. 8 p.m. Boondashark
Cooper's Riverview                                                                     
50 Riverview Plaza Trenton
(609) 393-7300 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Cosmic Jerry Band 
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour  (7 p.m.) Se7en w/ DJ Jazzi
Sat. 7 p.m. "Flying Circus" Led Zeppelin Tribute 
Crossing Vineyard and Winery
1853 Wrightstown Road Washington Crossing, PA
(215) 493-6500 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Sunset Yoga
Fri. 7:15 p.m. "Summer Wine and Music Series" feat. Legacy. $15 (advance), Doors open at 5 p.m., Ages 21+ 
Sat. 2:30 p.m. Aaron Quarterman
Sun. 2 p.m. Bunny Barnes
Curran’s Irish Inn
1909 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA
(215) 245-1800
Thurs. 7 p.m. Music Bingo 
Mon. 7:30 p.m. Quizzo
Dacey's Pub 
215 West Philadelphia Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-4838
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Music Night 
Wed. 8 p.m. Quizzo                                                                                                           
Dadz Bar and Grill 
744 Main Street Lumberton
Thurs. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Jimmy Mannix
Fri. (7 p.m.) Nobody's Business (9 p.m.) DJ Xavier
Sat. (8 p.m.) Karaoke Dance Party w/ DJ Dubbs (9 p.m.) Dance Party w/ DJ Put It On
Sun. 3 p.m. Father & Son Duo / Wounded Souls
Tues. 7 p.m. Open Mic 
Dharma Bums 
4935 River Road New Hope, PA
(215) 663-2867
Wed. 7 p.m.  DBums Hootenanny: An Open Mic of Music, Comedy & Spoken Word Hosted by Michael Henry Robert
Dockside Bensalem 
3330 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 520-7184
Sun. 3 p.m. O'Grady & Co. 
Eddington House Bensalem
2813 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 
(215) 639-1220 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. Tailspin
Sat. 8:30 p.m. Shinkickers
Sun. 3 p.m. Zone Duo
Mon. 5:30 p.m. "Family Fun Night" w/ Amazing Balloon Creations by Kelsi-Joe
Escape Resort, Restaurant & Bar 
120 Pheasant Run Road Newtown, PA 
Fri. 6 p.m. So Long Surfer
Tues. 6 p.m. Karaoke
Flying Pig Tavern & Tap 
167 US-Route 130 North Bordentown 
(609) 899-7447
Thurs. 8 p.m. DJ entertainment
Tues. 9 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 8 p.m. Trivia
Founding Father's Sports Bar & Grill 
2900 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 923-1100
Fri. 6 p.m. Bob Pantano Dance Party w/ DJ Joe Castro
1031 Washington Boulevard Robbinsville 
(609) 426-9203 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Cruise Night 
Wed. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Kevin McGowan and/or Gino Formaroli (Sign-ups begin at 5:30 p.m.) 
German American Society 
215 Uncle Pete's Road Hamilton 
(609) 585-5200
Fri. 7 p.m. Jimmy and the AC. Doors open at 7 p.m. $20 (cash), doors open at 6 p.m. (Outdoor Biergarten Event)
Gleason's Bar
6700 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA
(215) 943-4781 
Thurs. (7 p.m.) Music Bingo / “Ladies Night” Hosted by Best Choice Productions (9:30 p.m.) Karaoke
Fri. (6 p.m.) Casey Welborn (8 p.m.) EarCandy
Sat. (12 p.m.) Music Bingo Brunch (8 p.m.) Pixie Twist
Sun. 4 p.m. Bigg Romeo Duo 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Green Parrot Restaurant Pub, & Patio
240 North Sycamore Street Newtown Township, PA 
(215) 504-7277 
Fri.  8 p.m. Modern Luxe Duo
Sat. (8 p.m.) Brian Kmetz (9 p.m.) Hindsight 
Wed. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Grover's Mill Coffee House 
Princeton-Hightstown Road Princeton Junction   
(609) 716-8771  
Thurs. 6 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Wade Prestridge
Halo Pub
4617 Nottingham Way Hamilton Square 
(609) 586-1811  
Sat. 7 p.m. Charles laurita & The Mischief
Hamilatte Cafe
1971 Route 33 Hamilton
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Saturdays feat. John Ezzo w/ Laura Simsczak
Hamilton Marketplace 
201 Marketplace Boulevard Hamilton
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Jeep Meet (Takes place at Mission BBQ)
Hamilton Tap & Grill
557 US Route 130 North Hamilton 
(609) 905-0925
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Music Bingo w/ DJ Nebbs
Fri. 5 p.m. Bob Banka
Sat. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia
Havana New Hope
105 S. Main Street New Hope, PA.
(215) 862-9897
Fri. ( 8 p.m.) ELO Tribute Show. $35 (11 p.m. ) DJ Dance Party 
Sat. (3 p.m.) Matt Setzer (9:30 p.m.) DJ Summer Dance Party 
Mon. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ Steve
Tues. 7 p.m. Jillian Ashcroft Jazz Quartet 
Wed. 7 p.m. Jumper Duo
Hopewell Boro Park 
Columbia Avenue at Greenwood Avenue Hopewell Borough
Sat. 7 p.m. Summer Bandstand Concert: Gravity Hill
Hopewell Valley Golf Club
114 Pennington-Hopewell Road Hopewell
(609) 737-1199
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Jack Furlong
Hopewell Valley Vineyards
46 Yard Avenue Pennington 
(609) 737-4465 
Fri. 4 p.m. "Music & Merlot" feat. (5:30 p.m.) Madison & Mikey DeLucia
Sat. (9 a.m.) WWFM Fransisco (1 p.m.) Craig Lech Group (5:30 p.m.) "Music & Merlot" feat. Bad Hombres
Sun. 2:30 p.m. "Jazzy Sundays" feat. Blue Jersey Band
Hurricane Jacks Bar and Grill
7759 New Falls Road Levittown, PA
(267) 914-4517
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Music Bingo w/ DJ John W. 
Tues. 8 p.m. Acoustic Tuesday  
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Laura Fiocco
Il Portico Restorante Italiano 
273 West Route 130 South Burlington
(609) 239-1000 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Jazz Night
Fri. / Sat. 7 p.m. Live Music w/ Tony O
Irish Rover Station House 
1033 South Bellevue Avenue Langhorne, PA 
(215) 970-5412 
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo Night
Iron Plow Vineyards
26750 Mount Pleasant Road Columbus 
(732) 306-9111 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Joe Leming
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Ronnie Brandt
Sun. 2 p.m. Carlie Grouser
Ivy Tavern
3108 S. Broad Street, Hamilton 
(609) 888-1435 
Thurs. 8:30 p.m. Karaoke 
All shows 21+    
John & Peter's
96 S. Main Street New Hope, Pa 
(215) 862-5981 
Sun. 9 p.m. Free Whenever
Mon. 6 p.m./9 p.m. EyeHateGod
Tues. 9 p.m. Belushi Speedball / Joe Buck Yourself
Wed. 9 p.m. The Invitational
All shows 21+
Killarney's Publick House
1644 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 586-1166 
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Kenny Dubman Duo
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Mario & Frank (9 p.m.) DJ Dan
Sat. (10 a.m.) Brunch (5:30 p.m.) Jack Mangan (10 p.m.) DJ Jimmy G
Sun. (10 a.m.) "Sunday Funday" Brunch feat. (12 p.m.) Ant Cannuli
Mon. (3 p.m.) "Yappy Hour" (6 p.m.) Summer Mixology
La Cena Ristorante
2233 Galloway Road Bensalem, PA
(215) 639-9969
Wed. 6 p.m. Joe Plush & Friends                       
Laurita Winery 
85 Archertown Road New Egypt 
(609) 752-0200 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Laurita Idol Tryouts
Fri. 7 p.m. Billy Joel Tribute w/ Wade Preston
Sat. (11 a.m.) Wine & Goat Yoga. (7 p.m.) Country Line Dancing
Sun. 11 a.m. Wine & Goat Yoga 
Lawrenceville Main Street 
17 Phillips Avenue Lawrenceville
(609) 219-9300
Thurs. 6 p.m. "Music In The Park" feat. Princeton School of Rock  (Weeden Park FREE admission) 
Library Company of Burlington
23 West Union Street Burlington
(609) 3861273
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night 
Lillipies Bakery
30 North Harrison Street Princeton 
(609) 423-2100  
Sat. 10 a.m. Storytime with Jeff
Logan Inn 
10 West Ferry Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2300
Thurs. 6 p.m. Justin Love
Fri. 7 p.m. Sam Ryan
Sun. 11:30 a.m. Alex Saunders Duo
Wed. 6 p.m. Scott Mcallister 
87a South Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2739 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Astrology Readings by Riss Cottrill 
Mon. 6 p.m. Magik "Art Mondays" 
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night   
Makefield Highlands Golf Club
1418 Woodside Road Yardley, PA 
(215) 321-7000 
Fri. 6 p.m. No More Fences
McGuinn's Place 
1781 Brunswick Avenue Lawrence 
(609) 392-0599
Fri. 10 p.m. The Creation
Ages 21+  
McStews Irish Sports Pub
5316 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 949-9570 
Sat. 9 p.m. Supertrain
Tues. 7:30 p.m. Trivia Night
Millhill Basement 
300 S. Broad Street Trenton 
(609) 989-1600
Sat. 9 p.m. Super Jack, Mixolydian, Dreamer, Trash the Bath House. $10 
Mill Hill Park Trenton Music Series 
165 East Front Street (Corner of South Broad Street)
(609) 393-8998
Sat. 5 p.m. Sounds & Silence Open Mic
Morven Museum & Garden
55 Stockton Street Princeton 
(609) 924-8144
Fri. 7 p.m. Empire Wild 
Sat. 7 p.m. An Evening w/ Santino Fontana
Music Mountain Theater
1483 Route 179 Lambertville
Fri. 8 p.m. "Avenue Q"
Sat. 3 p.m./ 8 p.m. "Avenue Q"
Sun. 3 p.m. "Avenue Q"
Naked Brewing Company 
212 Mill Street Bristol, PA 
(267) 544-7129
Thurs.6:30 p.m. Dana Collins Project 
Fri.  8 p.m. Cathedral City 
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company 
909 Ray Avenue Croydon, PA 
(215) 458-7081
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia Night 
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Cornhole League 
New Egypt Flea Market Village 
933 Monmouth County Road Cream Ridge 
(609) 758-2082
Sun. 8 a.m. Flea Market 
Wed. 8 a.m. Flea Market
New Hope Winery / Tavern 
6123 Lower York Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 794-2331 
Sat. 8 p.m. "Soulshine" Allman Brothers band Tribute 
Newtown Brewing Company
103 Penns Trail Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8609 
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. "Naughty" Trivia. Ages 21+
Fri. 6 p.m. Mike Gruver
Sat. (3 p.m.) Magic By Jared (6 p.m.) Chuck M
Sun. 1 p.m. Local Artisan Craft Fair
Wed. 4 p.m. Open Mic Night
Nick's Roast Beef
4501 Woodhaven Road West Philadelphia, PA 
(215) 637-515
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Fri. (6 p.m.) Herb Oakley Duo (9 p.m.) Fish Out of Water
Sat. 9 p.m. Shameless
Sun. 4 p.m. Cracklin Diamond
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke
NJWeedman's Dispensary
322 East State Street Trenton
(609) 437-0898
Thurs. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Nomad Distilling Company
20 South Main Street New Hope, PA
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch
Nottingham Tavern 
9 Mercer Street Hamilton Square 
(609) 587-6623
Thur. 9:30 pm. Karaoke w/ Super Dave Curtis 
Fri. 9 p.m. Blind Lemon Pie
Sat. 9:30 p.m. Asylum Choir
Ages 21+   
O'Fowley's Tavern & Grill 
200 State Road Croydon, PA 
(215) 785-6998 
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo Hosted by Best Choice Productions w/ DJ John S 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Old Hights Brewing 
123 West Ward Street Hightstown 
(609) 469-5976
Thurs. 2 p.m. End of School Bash
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Opening Reception Art Show (6:30 p.m.) Matthew R Smith Trio
Sun. 1 p.m. Local Performers Showcase
Old Town Pub
135 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown 
(609) 291-9232
Thurs. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics Trivia
Fri. 9 p.m. The Suyat Duo
Sat. 9 p.m. Ryan Bria Trio
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch 
Palmer Square 
40 Nassau Street Princeton 
Sat. 12 p.m. Spring Music Series feat. Peter & the Master Keys  
Pasquale's Sports Bar 
9078 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 202-6268 
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke 
Patriots Crossing 
1339 River Road Titusville 
(609) 737-2780
Thurs. 8 p.m. Ladies Night  
Wed. 7 p.m. "Quizzo"
Pete's Steak House 
523 Whitehorse Avenue Hamilton
 (609) 585-8008
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Midnight Sun TTL
Princeton Country Club
1-Wheeler Way West Windsor
(609) 452-9382 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Karaoke Night w/ Live DJ
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour 
Sun. 11 a.m. Jazz Brunch
Princeton Public Library (Hinds Plaza)
65 Witherspoon Street Princeton  
(609) 924-9529 
Sun. 4 p.m. BK Rivers w/ Caroline Chambers
Puss N Boots Tavern
942 Trenton Road Fairless Hills, PA
Fri. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia
Ristorante LUCCA & Piano Lounge 
144 US Route 130 Bordentown 
(609) 262-0110
Thurs. 8 p.m. Jazz Night  
River House at Odette’s 
274 South Rive Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 682-2022 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Cara cartney
Fri. 7 p.m. Keith Franklin & Catrice
Sat. 7 p.m. Russell Norkevich
Sun. 11:30 a.m. Dave Dales Duo
Wed. 5 p.m. Sam Ryan
Rose Bank Winery 
258 Durham Road Newtown, PA  
(215) 860-5899
Sat. 2 p.m. "Tastings & Tunes in the Buckman Barn" feat. (TBA)
Rosedale Mills 
101 Route 31 North Pennington 
(609) 737-2008 
Sat. 10 a.m. Pennington Farmers Market w/ Music by Just Jeff
Rossi's Bar & Grill
2110 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 890-2004 
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Ernie White
Sat. 11 a.m. Brunch
Sun. 11 a.m. Brunch 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics
Sandy's Beef & Ale
2028 E. Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, PA
(2670 852-2333
Thurs. 8 p.m. Quizzo  
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Second Sin Brewing Company
1500 Grundy Lane Bristol, P
(267) 812-5251
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Shady Brook Farm 
931 Stony Hill Road Yardley, PA 
(215) 968-1670 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. "UnWINEd" Concert feat. Mushmouth $12 (advance/online, $15 at door), doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Sat. "Party On The Patio" feat. (2 p.m.) Boondashark (6:30 p.m.) Cara Cartney
Sun. "Party On The Patio" feat. 2 p.m. Joe Lestochi
Slim's Irish Pub 
2195 Galloway Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 332-0047
Mon. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Cecil 
Wed. 6 p.m. Karaoke Contest
Small World Coffee 
14 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-4377 x2 
Sat. 7 p.m. Dan Kassel
Sparky World-Famous Beer Garden
4333 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 943-2321 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Dana
Sat. 9:30 p.m. Blue Reign
Sun. 9 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Cara Cartney
Mon. 9 p.m. Game Night Hosted by Kid Dalton 
Tues. 7 p.m. Johnny Betz 
Wed. 8 p.m. Len Fennessey Trio
Starving Artist Cafe
18 Bridge Street Stockton
Sat. 2 p.m. Michael Patrick
Sun. 10:30 .m. Alan Tofig
Steam Pub 
606 2nd Street Pike Southampton, PA 
Fri. 10 p.m. DJ Quigs
Sat. 10:30 p.m. Early 2000s Dance party w/ DJ Tonka
Tara's Tavern 
1 Cookstown-New Egypt Road, Wrightstown 
(609) 286-2300 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. Kenny Dubman
Sat. 8:30 p.m. The Jeanne Morris Band
Tavern On The Lake 
101 Main Street Hightstown 
(609) 426-9345  
Fri. 9 p.m. Black Rose
Sat. 8 p.m. Ziggy Shock
Tues. 6 p.m. Trivia 
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke 
Temperance House
5 South State Street Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8050
Thurs. 7 p.m. Steve Guyger and Filthy Rich 
Fri. 7 p.m. Bad Hombres 
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Neville Esquire
Tues. 7 p.m. Beginner Line Dance Lessons w/ Jeremy Line Dance. $40/4 Weeks 
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic Night w/ Cara Cartney
Terhune Orchards  
330 Cold Soil Road Princeton
(609) 924-2310 
Sat. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Kingston Ridge 
Sun. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Kindred Spirit
TGI Fridays 
780 Route 130 South Hamilton
(609) 581-6910 
Sun. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Burn
TGI Fridays
2703 Mount Holly Road Suite 3 Washington Twp.
(609) 239-486 
Thurs. 7 p.m.  Trivia   
TGI Fridays
3535 U.S. Route 1 North #275 Princeton
(609) 520-0378
Thurs. 8 p.m. Trivia Night 
The Birdhouse Center For The Arts
7 North Main Street Lambertville
(215) 681-4660
Tues. 7:30 p.m. NJNO the "not just nyckelharpa orchestra" Community Orchestra
The Buck Hotel 
1200 Buck Road Feasterville, PA 
(215) 396-2002 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Kirko
Fri. 8 p.m. Love Junk 
Sat. (11 a.m.) Brunch (9 p.m.) Funken Soul Nuts
Tues. 7 p.m. Danny Lynch Duo
The Cool Cricket
216 Burlington Street Fieldsboro
(609) 291-9110
Fri. 7 p.m. Country Night
Sat. 9 p.m. Cowboy Bob
The Dubliner
34 North Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 693-1816
Fri. 7 p.m. Andrew Koontz & Bill O'Neal
Sat. 7 p.m. Sean Fleming
Sun. 3 p.m. "Traditional Irish Session" 
The Five Four Bar & Grill
8919 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 547-5525
Thurs. 8 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paula and Sam 
Fri. 9 p.m. Asylum Choir
Sat. 9 p.m. Last Call
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo w/ Jonathan Appel
The Ivy Inn
248 Nassau Street Princeton
(609) 921-8555
Thurs. (7 p.m.) Bingo (10 p.m.) Karaoke w/ Trey Brown
Fri. 9:30 p.m. DJ BayNice
Sat. 9:30 p.m. DJ Trey
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo w/ Bob E Luv 
Wed. 10 p.m. Karaoke w/ Trey Brown  
The Morrisville Tavern 
376 West Trenton Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-5310
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Fri. 8 p.m. Cara Cartney
Sat. 8 p.m. The Shaykz
Mon. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia Night
The Penguin Rocks (24 Hour On-Demand Music/Radio) 
Mon. -  Fri. "Radio Jersey" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Classic Jersey" Hosted by Gary Wien
Sun. - Sat. "Beyond The Palace" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Danny Coleman's Rock On Radio" feat. Steve Shive w/ a Call from Gretchen Emery
Sun. - Sat. "From The Basement" Hosted by Mike Marrone
Sun. - Sat. "Deuce Radio" Hosted by Matt Barker
Sun. - Sat. "Altrok Radio" Hosted by Sean Carolan
Sun. - Sat. "Lighty's Corner" Hosted by Gary Wien 
Sun. - Sat. "The Troubador Show" Hosted by John Godfrey 
The Roost
181 Rte. 539 Cream Ridge
(609) 208-0050
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Shore Bet Duo
Fri. 8 p.m. 80s Undercover
Sat. 8 p.m. Diablo Sandwich Band
Wed. 6 p.m. Joe Vadala
The Sycamore Grill
255 North Sycamore Street Newtown, PA
(215) 908-6326 
Sat. 8 p.m. Hindsight 
The Union Firehouse
18 Washington Street Mount Holly
(609) 288-6491
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night 
Fri. 8 p.m. Shorty Long & The Jersey Horns. Doors open at 7 p.m. 
The Union House 
19 East Union Street Burlington
(609) 531-6077
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Fri. 8 p.m. Tom Craig Band 
Tindall Road Brewing Co.
102 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown
(609) 526-8651 
Sun. 7 p.m. Boston Comedy Tour
Tir Na Nog 
1324 Hamilton Avenue Trenton 
(609) 392-2554
Sun. 3 p.m. "Irish Sessions" 
All Shows 21+
Trenton Social
449 South Broad Street Trenton
(609) 989-7777
Thurs. 5 p.m. "Happy Hour Throwback Thursday
Sat. 9 p.m. Live Music (TBA)
Mon. 6 p.m. "Monday Night Karaoke" Hosted by Sweets
Trinity Church
33 Mercer Street Princeton
(609) 924-2277
Thurs. 7 p.m. The Sebastians: Brandenbergs and More
Union Boil
25 Route 31 South Pennington
(609) 303-7584
Fri. 6 p.m. Ernie White
Vault Brewing Company
10 South Main Street Yardley, PA 
(267) 573-4291
Thurs. 6 p.m. John Thomas
Fri. 7 p.m. Omeed Nyman Trio
Sat. 7 p.m. Paul Lingerman Trio
Mon. 7 p.m. Chaturanga & Cheers w/ Renee Mahoney
Village Idiot Brewing Company
42 High Street Mount Holly
(609) 975-9270 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Wildflowers Inn
2572 Pennington Road Pennington 
(609) 773-239
Thurs. 6 p.m. Rob Silvers
Wildflowers Too
255 Route 156 Yardville
(609) 585-5483
Wed. 7 p.m. Poker Night
Working Dog Winery
610 Windsor Perrineville Road Hightstown
(609) 371-6000
Thurs. 4:30 p.m. Rob Silvers
Sat. 1 p.m. Gary Cavico 
Sun. 1 p.m. Jersey Surecats
WWFM 89.1 FM HD2 Radio
MCCC Old Trenton Road West Windsor
Mon. 7 a.m./7 p.m. "Danny Coleman's Got The Blues"

Danny Coleman is a veteran musician and writer from central New Jersey. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled 'Rock On Radio' airing Sunday evenings at 7:00pm EST on where he features indie/original bands and solo artists.

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Katchats: 10/23/24

Many years ago, when I first got involved in the music industry I was told, you gotta check out JB Kline, in Lambertville, NJ. This was early 2000, when he was just going by the name Jeff Kline.

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(NEWARK, NJ) -- Tyler, The Creator announces a 2025 world tour in support of his forthcoming album CHROMAKOPIA. Promoted by AEG Presents, CHROMAKOPIA: THE WORLD TOUR will feature special guests Lil Yachty and Paris Texas and spans North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand over the course of 2025. The tour comes to Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on July 5; Madison Square Garden in New York City on July 14; Barclays Center in Brooklyn on July 17; and Prudential Center in Newark on July 27, 2025.

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Split Level Concerts presents Brian Dunne and Jake Thistle on November 16th

JAZZ HOUSE KiDS Presents Annual JAZZ HOUSE Goes To College On November 9th



Rod Wave - Last Lap Tour comes to Prudential Center in December

(NEWARK, NJ) -- This Fall, AG Touring and Mammoth, Inc. proudly present the Rod Wave - Last Lap Tour. This large-scale multi-city outing will feature Rod Wave headlining 36 of North America's top arenas coast-to-coast. The tour will kick off on October 19 at Desert Diamond Arena in Phoenix, AZ visiting major markets across the country, including Newark’s Prudential Center on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 with special guests Moneybagg Yo, Toosii, Lil Poppa, Dess Dior and Eelmatic.

The Newton Theatre presents Who's Bad: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Experience

The Newton Theatre presents The Jayhawks

Outpost in the Burbs presents Robyn Hitchcock

Advertise with The Penguin Rocks for $50-$100 per month, click here for info

The Penguin Rocks

© 2024 by Wine Time Media, LLC
PO Box 811, Belmar, NJ 07719

Presented by New Jersey Stage

Images used on this site have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and PR firms. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us and we will look into the matter.

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