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Rock On! This Week's Sound Bites...2/15/24

By Danny Coleman

originally published: 02/15/2024

"Yes, it's my first time coming to Jamey's, I'm bringing my band, The High Rollers," said an excited Early Times as he discussed his upcoming debut at Jamey's House of Music in Lansdowne, PA on February 24, his new record "Electric City" and more. "I have a keyboard player, a drummer and a bass player, I play guitar and sing. We do, for the most part, a night of original music.That doesn't mean that I don't occasionally throw in something that people know but I kind of live and die on what I write and what I'm trying to present and it usually goes off pretty well. We're gonna do around a two-hour show; I've never been in Lansdowne and I'm really looking forward to it and I'm hoping to get some people to come out and I feel that when we play a place for the first time that we always make new fans who find us, I think, a little refreshing from the usual bar bands that are playing blues." 

Most know Times from his multiple shifts as an air personality for Sirius XM's Bluesville and Deep Tracks channels but there is far more to him than meets eye. An avid Blues music enthusiast, artist/guitarist and vocalist as well as a fantastic songwriter; Times is passionate not only about music but what goes into the process, a process he's been involved in for quite some time. 

"I've been playing guitar for a little over 40 years," he recounted. "I was fortunate to join a band at 14 years old that was playing parties, dances and things and at 14 I was already making money. They were doing classic early '50s and '60s rock 'n' roll like Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Beach Boys, The Kingsmen and stuff like that which was all before my time but I knew it from a big stack of 45 records that my parents had. So, I grew up hearing that stuff and then at 16, I started playing clubs and as I was graduating high school, I kind of lucked into a gig playing jazz every Saturday and Sunday on a river boat. I didn't grow up playing in jazz bands, as a matter of fact, the high school I went to didn't have a music program of any kind; I could swing. That was my one saving grace, I could swing when I played leads but I had to learn that whole repertoire and I didn't like when people in that realm would say, "We're gonna play a standard" because I didn't even know what they were talking about because in rock 'n' roll they didn't use the term, "Standard" and blues was always part of the mix I was doing whether it was rock 'n' roll or jazz, blues were always in there. So, I started playing six or seven nights a week coming right out of high school at 17 years old; playing blues clubs a couple nights a week, jazz clubs a couple times a week, I might do a solo acoustic thing somewhere and to this day I still play all of the time, I still practice and I'm still trying my best to improve and get better and some of the best improvement is just knowing what notes not to play."

Knowing what not to play and the sometimes hard lesson of less is more can be very beneficial but in the genre of blues music, it is most times the dynamics of a song that can be a huge difference maker. Many artists and bands don't always practice the art of dynamics, preferring to be "Loud"  but Times is one who respects all of those philosophies and appreciates the sudden changes in volume and technique.

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"It doesn't always have to be bombastic either to still have a loud vibe," he explained, "A perfect example to me is if you go back and listen to some of those early Muddy Waters records. The drummer to me sounds like he is playing with brushes on a lot of that stuff because they were playing in a little recording studio together and for dynamics purposes; they didn't have all of the mics and all of the channels that they could record with and yet they'd still sound loud. I remember somebody talking about the piano player Bill Evans of the Bill Evans Trio, I don't know if you remember him but the guy said to me, "Man, the Bill Evans Trio was a loud band" but it was because of the way they played together; you could hear every note crisply. I'm not sure if you know the guy but he is the guy I used on drums for an instrumental album that I just did; Adam Nussbaum. He is probably best known for working with the Michael Brecker Quartet and then he worked with Scofield and John Abercrombie and a lot of these great jazz musicians but what I came to find out that I didn't even know when I hired him was that he played with the Gil Evans Orchestra on a couple of albums called, "Live at Sweet Basil" and I remember when I was in high school that I got into Gil Evans because I found out there was this guy doing Jimi Hendrix music but with like a big band. So, Nussbaum, in the jazz world, has played with the best of the best. A lot of musicians I grew up with, they just played with their friends and when you do that, sometimes you don't really get the chance to improve. I was always the kind of guy who wanted to play with the best people I could find and I wanted them to kick my ass. I welcomed it because I knew that was the road to take if you wanted to be really good. I worked with a guy named Johnny Heartsman, he did one album for Alligator Records called, "The Touch" and one of the things that made him really cool was that he had a very signature guitar style, he also played Hammond B-3 organ and blues flute and he showcased all of those on that album and he sang too and not only was singing but he vocalized stand up bass solos with his voice. Then I did a couple of records and toured all over the place with E.C. Scott; so, I always try to be around good people"

Being around "Good People" isn't just on stage or who you tour with; it also includes the behind the scenes collaborators that can make or break an album or artist.

"Quite frankly, the problem that I see is that most blues artists don't really understand the value of a good producer. Working with good people; too many recordings that I get and even some that are on labels, I'll hear the snare drum and it sounds like a cardboard box and I just think; why not take the time to make it sound good? That's the value of working with a good producer and a good mixer; just working with good people. Too many people these days have their little home studios or whatever and they learn how to hit record and put a microphone in front of something and they kind of think that's what an engineer is; these guys are both artists and scientists, most of the really good ones. They understand the science of sound and acoustics, depth and space and all of that. I've been working with Jay Messina who is pretty legendary for recording all of those early Aerosmith albums. "Walk This Way," "Sweet Emotion," he did all of those mixes and he also did Cheap Trick "Live At Budokan;" I feel I've lucked out and found one of "Those guys;" you know what I mean?"

"Electric City" is still not released but Times says it will be sooner rather than later that it makes its debut but in the meantime; he's a very busy man.

"Electric City" has Anton Fig on drums and Conrad Korsch who played for the last 20 years or so with Rod Stewart and he was really fantastic; a great bass player. Both of those people, I'd never laid eyes on them until I walked into the studio and we recorded the entire album without having ever played together, met each other in person or anything. I came with charts and they came and brought it!  They didn't just come in like it was just a session. They brought creativity and energy to the session and man, that was fun. Probably half the songs on the album if not more, the lead vocal on the recording is what I was singing as we were recording."

"I've got a couple of things that I'm working on right now. I really had intended to get an album out around this time last year. My last two albums did well for me as far as getting  some good radio airplay here in The States and in Europe and some other places and I got nice reviews but I've just been really critical of this next album because I don't want to just put out something that is just there. To me, an album; you and I grew up at a time when there was album oriented rock where it wasn't about having a single; it was about creating a full project. My most recent album is "Electric City," the one right before that, "The Corner," I started writing songs in the process that I do; I just started compiling ideas and songs and I kind of saw this little thread. I could see it becoming almost kind of a storyline, almost a conceptual kind of thing and it ended up where everything fell into place with it and that was the first real national release that I did where I felt like it was really well received and done right and the next album, I didn't quite do a theme but it's what I like about the "Electric City" album.  

"I'm trying to get my new album out in the vein of what I do in the blues world but in the meantime at the end of last year, I did go into the studio and I recorded an instrumental organ trio album; that late night Jimmy Smith, Jimmy McGriff, "Groove" Holmes kind of sound," he continued. "That is actually in the can, it's a little bit different stylistically but it's done with some intent; one of two things, one, I felt like it was a stopgap to get me to do recording while I'm working on getting this next album ready to go and also, I'm a big proponent of not following the crowd with whatever I do. I try and look at what's going on around me and I try to go in a different direction. So, one of the things is, all of these quote unquote blues rockers; it's a lot of the same thing to me. Usually I don't feel like the songs are that well-written, I feel like, if it's a guitar player that's kind of leading it, the song is kind of secondary to; OK, when do I get to take a guitar solo? I don't feel like there are enough guitar players out there who can really hold my attention for all that long and one of the few passed away when Jeff Beck passed away. He was a guitar player to me who had a unique voice, an individual style and those guys don't come around that often. So, what I did with this organ trio thing is, I played absolutely clean guitar; no distortion of any kind. I went live into the studio and recorded with no overdubs which to me is what I still think should be the ultimate goal of bands; not that there's anything wrong with overdubs and I do that sometimes but I think the ability to go in live and record in that setting is where you get that mojo, that's where the grease happens. That doesn't happen from a drummer recording a track and then the bass player; do you know what I mean? There is something to be said for a group of guys getting together and playing music at one time."

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Being a blues musician and a radio personality gives Early opportunities to see, hear and in some cases lend his talents to others in the genre such as Misty Blues and it also allows him to opine on some of his favorite artists today.

"There are a few out there that I like," he began slowly. "Misty Blues is doing their 25th anniversary as a band this year and I'm actually playing lead guitar on their upcoming album called "Silver Lining." Gina Coleman reached out to me to play lead guitar on the title track as a featured guest and it's a really cool tune; she's got that low guttural voice and it's nice. I like her stuff, I think it sounds good, it's contemporary but it still has its roots. I really like what Thornetta Davis is doing. I don't know if you're hip to her but I really like what she's doing as well. She's a cool lady and for a few of her songs she would also do a nice video; it wasn't super high quality but it was way better than a lot of other videos where it's just a group of guys in a room playing their song. She actually took the time to put together something that was artistic and I thought it was really hip."

With the near extinction of record stores, how artists distribute their music and the consumers obtain it has dramatically changed. Times understands this and the need to  continue working hard on his own and stresses the same for others.

"I think most artists in the blues world are working pretty much as independents even if they are working with some other label like a Ruf Records or VizzTone or whoever; it's still kind of an independent release essentially. Record stores; when you couldn't just go online and buy anything at any time you wanted from anywhere in the world, your local record store was kind of like a holy place.You might go there looking for a certain album by Led Zeppelin and it might be out of stock but you got another one because they had that one or maybe the album cover looked cool or something like that and that's how you'd discover music sometimes. Remember when albums had liner notes? They used to have liner notes; people who used to write liner notes lost business because nobody really hires them anymore." 

Yes, Times guests on other artists' recordings and he also has guests on his soon to be released record and they are two of the hottest things in blues music today. 

"Bobby Rush and Eliza Neals; they were both the right choices, " he said enthusiastically. "The song "Bonnie & Clyde" that I had Eliza on, it was one of those songs that is not a blues song and I knew that it wasn't going to get played on blues radio and I was upfront with Eliza about that. I said listen, I'm gonna give you a really good track to sing on but don't be disappointed if this is not any kind of a hit; maybe if my name was Justin Bieber you'd have a big hit on your hands (laughs) but in the circle I run in in the blues field; this song is not gonna be one of the go to songs on radio. I felt like the whole story to the lyric; I labored over it because I wanted it to be just right and I needed to find the right vocalist to do that song with and I don't think I could've done better than Eliza. Maybe some other people would've also done a great job but she gave me exactly what I needed on that song."

"The one with Bobby Rush is an interesting story. I opened up for him at The City Winery in New York City around 2021 and he came up to me after the show and said, "Early Times, you and I should do something together. I've been following what you're doing; you and I could write something. Everybody is so divided right now, we could do something to bring the people together; black, white, age groups, different generations" and I said, Bobby, I'd be honored. The problem is, he lives in Jackson, Mississippi and I live in New York and we couldn't actually get in a room together to write a song. I heard him, I heard what he wanted; I called him one day and said, Bobby, I've got the song for us and he heard it and he was on board. At that point he was about 88 years old because he's 90 now and he sounded powerful on it, he gave me everything I could handle and it was an honor to work with him. We didn't just get in a room and play a 12 bar blues song, we did something a little unique; that's my feeling about the song." 

Armed with all of this ammunition and his band; Times will take the stage at Jamey's on February 24 and to purchase tickets, please visit or to discover more about Early Times, please go to or

That's it for this week! Please continue to support live and original music and until next week....ROCK ON!

This week's event listings

Allentown Borough
Main Street Allentown
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Black History in and Around Allentown (Takes place at the Library located at 16 South Main Street)
Al's Airport Inn
636 Bear Tavern Road West Trenton
(609) 883-5252 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Carmen Marranco 
Sat. (12 p.m.) Acoustic Brunch w/ Mark Sacco  (5 p.m.) Mark Robidoux
Sun. 12 p.m. Sunday Acoustic Brunch w/ Just Jeff
Mon. 5 p.m. AudioPilot
Tues. 7 p.m. Mike & Laura
Wed. 7 p.m. Rick Winow 
Ancient Order of Hibernians 
2419 Kuser Road Hamilton 
Thurs. 12 p.m. Grand Marshal Luncheon Honoring Kevin and Maryann Meara. $80
Aristaeus Brewing
2475C Big Oak Road Langhorne, PA 
(215) 757-2337
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Arm & Hammer Park
1 Thunder Road Trenton 
(609) 394-3300
Mon. 9 a.m. President's Day Batter Up! Clinic. $10 
Arts Council of Princeton 
102 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-8777 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Story & Verse: A Storytelling, Poetry and Spoken Word Open Mic
Sun. 3 p.m. Community Puppet Show
Wed. 7 p.m. Jersey Art Meet-Up
Ashlynn Distillery 
32 West Bridge Street Morrisville, PA 
Thurs. 5 p.m. Cecil & Carl
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Billy Futrell
Sat. 7 p.m. Diane & PK
Sun. 3 p.m. Cecil & Troy Cain
Wed. 6 p.m. Cara Cartney
Bill's Olde Tavern
2694 Nottingham Way Hamilton
(609) 586-0192
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Tues. 8 p.m. / Wed. 8 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Burn
Ages 21+
Bit-hin' Kitten Brewery
58-B East Bridge Street Morrisville, PA
(267) 799-5348
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo
Blaze DoubleTree by Hilton 
4355 US Route 1 Princeton
(609) 452-2400
Sat. 9 p.m. "Dance The Night Away" Latin Songs
Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sip & Paint "Up at the Colorful Trees: w/ Antoinette Evola
Bordentown City
Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown  
Fri. 7 p.m. "Frightening Fridays!" Haunted History Tours. $20
Sat. (12 p.m.) Bordentown Walking Tours. $20 (5 p.m.) The Wreck: The 1901 Nellie Bly Train Disaster. (Takes place at Old City Hall) 
Bowman's Tavern 
1600 River Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2972
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Matt Gordeuk
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Bennett Lee (8 p.m.) Bob Egan 
Sat. 7 p.m. Dave Dales Trio
Sun. (12 p.m.) Bill Avayou Trio(6 p.m.) Lorenzo
Tues. 6 p.m. Gary Reed
Wed. 6 p.m. Liz DuFour 
Broken Goblet Brewing
2500 State Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 812-5653
Thurs. 7 p.m.  Mike Estabrook
Fri. 7 p.m. A Tribute to Pink Floyd w/ "Shine On" $10
Sun. 8 p.m. Apes of The State, Doom Scroll. $23 (advance), doors open at 7 p.m., all ages
Bucks On Bridge
25 Bridge Street Lambertville
(609) 483-2615
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Poetry Night 
Tues. 5 p.m. Chess Night
Wed. 6 p.m. Trivia
Burlington County Library/Amphitheater
5 Pioneer Boulevard West Hampton
(609) 267-9660
Sat. 1p.m. Joyful Noise! A Gospel Concert Celebrating Black History Month
Bury The Hatchet Princeton 
2495 Brunswick Pike Lawrenceville 
(609) 337-2557 
Thurs.-Sun. 12 p.m. "Axe Your Ex Weekend" (Bring a picture of your Ex. and they will put it on the target; no politics)
Candlelight Lounge 
24 Passaic Street Trenton  
(609) 695-9612 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Thursday Night Blues Jam. $5
Sat. 3 p.m. Audrey Welber. $20
Catch A Rising Star (Hyatt Regency Princeton) 
102 Carnagie Center Princeton
(781) 568-1471
Fri. 8 p.m. Vince August. $26.50, Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Sat. 7:30 p.m. Vince August. $26.50, Doors open at 7 p.m. 
Cazz's Sports Bar 'N' Grille
1560 Haines Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 580-5469 
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paul

Chesterfield Inn
633 Chesterfield-Arneytown Road Chesterfield
(609) 298-1917
Sat. 9 p.m. Groove Pocket
Club Atlantis
1858 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 944-1777 
Sat. 9 p.m. DJ Robbie Tronco 
All Events Ages 21+ and Dress to Impress
Cooper's Riverview                                                                     
50 Riverview Plaza Trenton
(609) 393-7300 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Cosmic Jerry Band
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour (7 p.m.) U2 Tribute w/ "Mysterious Ways" and DJ Jonny Rossi
Sat. 8 p.m. One Hit Wonders Show w/ "Se7en" $7.50 (Dinner and VIP Packages Available) 
Crossing Vineyard and Winery
1853 Wrightstown Road Washington Crossing, PA
(215) 493-6500 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Get Cozy by the Fire
Sat. 2 p.m. Jim Nelsen
Sun. 2 p.m. Rodney Wright
Curran’s Irish Inn
1909 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA
(215) 245-1800
Thurs. 7 p.m. Music Bingo 
Fri. 8 p.m. 
Sat. 8 p.m. 
Mon. 7:30 p.m. Quizzo
Dacey's Pub 
215 West Philadelphia Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-4838
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Music Night feat. Chrome Pony
Wed. 8 p.m. Quizzo 
Dadz Bar and Grill 
744 Main Street Lumberton
Thurs. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Jimmy Mannix
Tues. 7 p.m. Open Mic 
Wed. 7 p.m. The Loose Bandits
Dharma Bums 
4935 River Road New Hope, PA
(215) 663-2867
Thurs. 8 p.m. The Accidental Brothers
Fri. 8 p.m. Blue Wave Ramblers. $10 (advance)
Sat. 8 p.m. ZenDog. $10 (advance) 
Wed. 7 p.m.  DBums Hootenanny: An Open Mic of Music, Comedy & Spoken Word Hosted by Michael Henry Robert
Dockside Bensalem 
3330 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 520-7184
Fri. 6 p.m. Shawn Byrne
Sat. 6 p.m. Two For Flinching  
Eddington House Bensalem
2813 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 
(215) 639-1220 
Fri. 9 p.m. Split Decision
Sat. 8:30 p.m. Kickbax
Sun. 3 p.m. '90s Tribute w/ The Posers
Mon. 5:30 p.m. "Family Fun Night" w/ Amazing Balloon Creations by Kelsi-Joe
El Barrio Cantina & Tequila Bar
1470 Buck Road Southampton, PA 
(267) 685-0725 
Fri. 8 p.m. Keep The Change
Escape Resort, Restaurant & Bar 
120 Pheasant Run Road Newtown, PA 
Sat. 10 a.m. NAC Outdoor Winter Plunge
Tues. 6 p.m. Karaoke
Flying Pig Tavern & Tap 
167 US-Route 130 North Bordentown 
(609) 899-7447
Thurs. 8 p.m. Live DJ Entertainment
Fri. 9 p.m. Jon Savage
Sat. 9 p.m. Asylum Choir
Tues. 9 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 8 p.m. Trivia
Forsgate Country Club   
375 Forsgate Drive Monroe
(732) 521-0700 
Sun. 9 a.m. Photography Seminar with PPANJ
Founding Father's Sports Bar & Grill 
2900 Street Road Bensalem, PA 
(215) 923-1100
Fri. 6 p.m. Bob Pantano Dance Party w/ DJ Joe Castro
1031 Washington Boulevard Robbinsville 
(609) 426-9203 
Wed. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Kevin McGowan and/or Gino Formaroli (Sign-ups begin at 5:30 p.m.)
Gleason's Bar
6700 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA
(215) 943-4781 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Music Bingo / “Ladies Night” Hosted by Best Choice Productions 
Fri. (6 p.m.) "Happy Hour" (8 p.m.) Doc Hollywood
Tues. 6:30 p.m. Trivia Night Hosted by Best Choice Productions
Green Parrot Restaurant Pub, & Patio
240 North Sycamore Street Newtown Township, PA 
(215) 504-7277 
Fri.  8 p.m. Danny Lynch Project
Sat. 8 p.m. Joey De Noble Duo
Grover's Mill Coffee House 
Princeton-Hightstown Road Princeton Junction   
(609) 716-8771  
Thurs. 6 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Wade Prestridge
Hamilatte Cafe
1971 Route 33 Hamilton
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Saturdays Hosted by Sheli Monacchio feat. 
Hamilton Tap & Grill
557 US Route 130 North Hamilton 
(609) 905-0925
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Music Bingo w/ DJ Nebbs
Sat. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia  
Hamilton Township Public Library 
1 Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Way Hamilton 
(609) 581-4060
Thurs. 12:30 p.m. Mr. Boom Boom's Music Room (Drum and Dance Songs)
Wed. 6:45 p.m. "For The Love of Reading" Book Club Meeting
Havana New Hope
105 S. Main Street New Hope, PA.
(215) 862-9897
Thurs. 7 p.m. Funk & Blues Jam Hosted by The Slidewinder Blues Band
Fri. ( 8 p.m.) Journey Tribute w/ "Frontiers" $35 (11 p.m. ) DJ Dance Party 
Sat. (3 p.m.) Sad Cowboy Duo (9:30 p.m.) DJ Dance Party w/ Iron Mike
Sun. 6 p.m. '80s Revolution. $20 
Mon. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Steve
Tues. 7 p.m. Jillian Ashcroft Jazz Quartet 
Wed. 7 p.m. Jumper Duo
Hopewell Valley Golf Club
114 Pennington-Hopewell Road Hopewell
(609) 737-1199
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Jack Furlong
Hopewell Valley Vineyards
46 Yard Avenue Pennington 
(609) 737-4465 
Fri. 4 p.m. "Music & Merlot" feat. (5:30 p.m.) Just Us
Sat. 5 p.m. "Music & Merlot" feat. Deb & Mike
Sun. 2:30 p.m. "Jazzy Sundays" feat. McMillan & Company
Hurricane Jacks Bar and Grill
7759 New Falls Road Levittown, PA
(267) 914-4517
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Music Bingo w/ DJ John W. 
Tues. 8 p.m. Acoustic Tuesday w/ 
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic w/ Laura Fiocco 
Il Portico Restorante Italiano 
273 West Route 130 South Burlington
(609) 239-1000 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Jazz Night
Fri. / Sat. 7 p.m. Live Music w/ Tony O
Irish Rover Station House 
1033 South Bellevue Avenue Langhorne, PA 
(215) 970-5412 
Sat. 8 p.m. Galentines Day Party w/ Music by Aston John
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo Night 
Iron Plow Vineyards
26750 Mount Pleasant Road Columbus 
(732) 306-9111 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Wounded Souls w/ Tom Espenshade
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Carmen Marranco
Sun. 2 p.m. Bud & Carm
Iron Plow Vineyards Tasting Room
61 High Street Mt. Holly 
(732) 306-9111
Sat. 6:30 p.m. Chris Walter and Friends 
Ivy Tavern
3108 S. Broad Street, Hamilton 
(609) 888-1435 
Thurs. 8:30 p.m. Karaoke 
All shows 21+   
Jersey Girl Cafe
733 Route 33 Hamilton
(609) 838-9799
Tues. 6 p.m. PJs and Painting! Unicorn Wine Glass Paint Party
John & Peter's
96 S. Main Street New Hope, Pa 
(215) 862-5981 
Fri. 9 p.m. My Wife's An Angel, Sharper, Mosin Nagant
Sat. 8 p.m. Underground Rats, LO-FI Milf
Mon. 9 p.m. Open Mic Comedy Night w/ Mike Dialto (Sign-ups start at 8 p.m.) 
Wed. 9 p.m. The Invitational
All shows 21+
Killarney's Publick House
1644 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 586-1166 
Thurs. 5:30 p.m. Kenny Dubman Duo
Fri. (5:30 p.m.) Tom Vincent (9 p.m.) DJ Dan
Sat. (10 a.m.) Brunch (5:30 p.m.) Chet & Ari (10 p.m.) DJ BayNice
Sun. 10 a.m. "Sunday Funday" Brunch 
La Cena Ristorante
2233 Galloway Road Bensalem, PA
(215) 639-9969
Wed. 6 p.m. Joe Plush & Friends                                                                                   
Laurita Winery 
85 Archertown Road New Egypt 
(609) 752-0200 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Dueling Pianos. $20
Fri. 7 p.m. Country Line Dancing. $10
Sat. 12 p.m. "Wine & Chocolate Weekend" feat. (1 p.m.) Steve Berger
Sun. 12 p.m.  "Wine & Chocolate Weekend" feat. (1 p.m.) Anker
Library Company of Burlington
23 West Union Street Burlington
(609) 3861273
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night
Lillipies Bakery
30 North Harrison Street Princeton 
(609) 423-2100  
Sat. 10 a.m. Storytime with Jeff
Logan Inn 
10 West Ferry Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2300
Thurs. 7 p.m. Russell Norkevich
Fri. 7 p.m. Sammy Ryan
Sat. 7 p.m. Max Rogers
Sun. 12 p.m. Omeed Nyman Trio
87a South Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 862-2739 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Astrology Readings by Riss Cottrill 
Mon. 6 p.m. Magik "Art Mondays" 
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night  
McStews Irish Sports Pub
5316 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 949-9570 
Sat. 9 p.m. Last Call
Tues. 7:30 p.m. Trivia Night
Naked Brewing Company 
212 Mill Street Bristol, PA 
(267) 544-7129
Thurs.6:30 p.m. Dana Collins Project 
Fri.  7 p.m. Rainy Daze
Sat. 7 p.m. Honey Spot Blvd.
Sun. 11 a.m. Weekend Brunch w/ (1 p.m.)  
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company 
909 Ray Avenue Croydon, PA 
(215) 458-7081
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia Night 
Sat. 12 p.m. Blown Glass Ornament Workshop
Sun. 12 p.m. Rockin' Robots Fundraiser and a Screening of "WALL-E"
New Egypt Flea Market Village 
933 Monmouth County Road Cream Ridge 
(609) 758-2082
Sun. 8 a.m. Flea Market 
Wed. 8 a.m. Flea Market
New Hope Winery / Tavern 
6123 Lower York Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 794-2331 
Fri. 5 p.m. Jack O'Leary   
Newtown Brewing Company
103 Penns Trail Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8609 
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. "Romantic Comedies" Trivia 
Fri. 6 p.m. Two For Flinching
Sat. 6 p.m. Brooke DiCaro
Wed. 4 p.m. Open Mic Night 
Nick's Roast Beef
4501 Woodhaven Road West Philadelphia, PA 
(215) 637-515
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Fri. (6 p.m.) Joe & Krista (9 p.m.) Y'all or Nothin'
Sat. 9 p.m. Old School
Sun. 4 p.m. The Naturals
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke
NJWeedman's Dispensary
322 East State Street Trenton
(609) 437-0898
Thurs. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Nomad Distilling Company
20 South Main Street New Hope, PA
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch
Nottingham Tavern 
9 Mercer Street Hamilton Square 
(609) 587-6623
Thur. 9:30 pm. Karaoke w/ Super Dave Curtis 
Sat. 9:30 p.m. Polish Nannies
Ages 21+   
O'Fowley's Tavern & Grill 
200 State Road Croydon, PA 
(215) 785-6998 
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo Hosted by Best Choice Productions w/ DJ John S 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo 
Old Hights Brewing 
123 West Ward Street Hightstown 
(609) 469-5976
Thurs. 5 p.m. Vinyl Night & Beer Release 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. Laurie Live
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Trivia Night
Old Town Pub
135 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown 
(609) 291-9232
Thurs. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics Trivia
Fri. 9 p.m. Bryan Breathes Trio
Sat. 9 p.m. Frankie Palmer Duo
Sun. 10 a.m. Brunch
Palmer Square 
40 Nassau Street Princeton 
Thurs. 4 p.m. "Skating On The Square" $10/$12 (Includes skate rental) 
Fri. 12 p.m./4 p.m."Skating On The Square" $10/$12 (Includes skate rental) 
Sat. 12 p.m. / 4 p.m. "Skating On the Square" $10/$12 (Includes skate rental) 
Sun. 3 p.m. Live Ice Carving feat. (6 p.m.) Dueling Pianos w/ Flying Ivories
Pasquale's Sports Bar 
9078 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA 
(267) 202-6268 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Beer Pong
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke 
Patriots Crossing 
1339 River Road Titusville 
(609) 737-2780
Thurs. 8 p.m. Ladies Night  
Sat. 8 p.m. Paul Plumeri Band
Wed. 7 p.m. "Quizzo"
Pete's Steak House 
523 Whitehorse Avenue Hamilton
 (609) 585-8008
Fri. 9:30 p.m. Deep Release
Princeton Country Club
1-Wheeler Way West Windsor
(609) 452-9382 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Karaoke Night w/ Live DJ
Fri. 5 p.m. Happy Hour
Sun. 11 a.m. Jazz Brunch
Puss N Boots Tavern
942 Trenton Road Fairless Hills, PA
Fri. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Tues. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Randy Now's Man Cave
119 West Ward Street Hightstown 
(609) 424-3766
Thurs. 5 p.m. "Man Cave Growler Event" feat. DJ Ron (FREE event)
Fri. 5 p.m. "Man Cave Growler Event" feat. Succesful Failures, Tod the Mod, Frank Pinto & Richie Z (FREE event)
Ristorante LUCCA & Piano Lounge 
144 US Route 130 Bordentown 
(609) 262-0110
Thurs. 8 p.m. Jazz night w/  
River House at Odette’s 
274 South Rive Road New Hope, PA 
(215) 682-2022 
Fri. 7 p.m. Andy Prescott
Sat. 7 p.m. Liz DuFour
Sun. 11:30 a.m. Brunch w/ Dave Dales Duo
Robin's Nest Restaurant
2 Washington Street Mount Holly 
(609) 261-6149 
Fri. 4 p.m. Happy Hour w/ Music by Tall Tunes
Roebling Museum 
100 2nd Avenue Roebling
(609) 499-7200 
Mon. 10 a.m. Intro to Careers in Engineering  
Rossi's Bar & Grill
2110 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton
(609) 890-2004 
Thurs. 6 p.m. Ernie White
Fri. 6:30 p.m. The Fryboys
Sat. (11 a.m.) Brunch (6:30 p.m.) Lisa Bouchelle
Sun. 11 a.m. Brunch 
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzoholics
Russo's Pub & Italian Restaurant
1302 Monmouth Road Mount Holly
(609) 261-3277
Wed. 6:30 p.m. Cardinal Wine Glass Paint & Sip 
Sandy's Beef & Ale
2028 E. Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, PA
(2670 852-2333
Thurs. 8 p.m. Quizzo  
Mon. 7 p.m. Music Bingo
Second Sin Brewing Company
1500 Grundy Lane Bristol, P
(267) 812-5251
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Shady Brook Farm 
931 Stony Hill Road Yardley, PA 
(215) 968-1670 
Fri. 6:30 p.m. "UnWINEd"  feat. JB Rocks
Sat. 6:30 p.m. "UnWINEd" feat. Dana Collins Project 
Slim's Irish Pub 
2195 Galloway Road Bensalem, PA
(267) 332-0047
Sat. 8 p.m. Blue Reign
Mon. 6 p.m. Open Mic Night Hosted by Cecil 
Wed. 6 p.m. Karaoke Contest
Small World Coffee 
14 Witherspoon Street Princeton 
(609) 924-4377 x2 
Sat. 7 p.m. McMillan & Company
Sparky World-Famous Beer Garden
4333 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 943-2321 
Thurs. 9 p.m. Karaoke w/ DJ Dana
Sat. 9:30 p.m. Jukebox Graveyard
Sun. 9 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Cara Cartney
Mon. 9 p.m. Game Night Hosted by Kid Dalton 
Tues. 7 p.m. Johnny Betz 
Wed. 8 p.m. Black Cherry
Steam Pub 
606 2nd Street Pike Southampton, PA 
Fri. 10 p.m. DJ Finnesse
Sat. 10:30 p.m. Jumper
Tara's Tavern 
1 Cookstown-New Egypt Road, Wrightstown 
(609) 286-2300 
Fri. 8:30 p.m. Kenny Dubman
Sat. 8:30 p.m. The Williamsboy
Tavern On The Lake 
101 Main Street Hightstown 
(609) 426-9345  
Tues. 6 p.m. Trivia 
Wed. 7 p.m. Karaoke 
Temperance House
5 South State Street Newtown, PA 
(215) 944-8050
Thurs. 7 p.m. Steve Guyger and Filthy Rich 
Mon. 7 p.m. Trivia Hosted by Neville Esquire
Tues. 7 p.m. Beginner Line Dance Lessons w/ Jeremy Line Dance. $40/4 Weeks 
Wed. 7 p.m. Open Mic Night w/ Cara Cartney
Terhune Orchards  
330 Cold Soil Road Princeton
(609) 924-2310 
Sat. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Brian Bortnick
Sun. 1 p.m. "Weekend Music Series" feat. Jerry Steele
TGI Fridays 
780 Route 130 South Hamilton
(609) 581-6910 
Sun. 9 p.m. Trivia Game Night / SIN Sundays
Wed. 7 p.m. Painting with Priya "Soaring Love"
TGI Fridays
2703 Mount Holly Road Suite 3 Washington Twp.
(609) 239-486 
Thurs. 7 p.m.  Trivia  
TGI Fridays
3535 U.S. Route 1 North #275 Princeton
(609) 520-0378
Thurs. 8 p.m. Trivia Night 
The Barn at Gravity Hill 
67 Pleasant Valley Road Titusville
Sat. 6 p.m. Sip & Science for Adults: The Boozy STEAM Lab 
The Birdhouse Center For The Arts
7 North Main Street Lambertville
(215) 681-4660
Sat. 8 p.m. Kat & Brad
Tues. 7:30 p.m. NJNO the "not just nyckelharpa orchestra" Community Orchestra
The Buck Hotel 
1200 Buck Road Feasterville, PA 
(215) 396-2002 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Kirko
Fri. 9 p.m. Buzzer Band
Sat. (11 a.m.) Brunch (9 p.m.) Don't Call Me Francis
The Cool Cricket
216 Burlington Street Fieldsboro
(609) 291-9110
Thurs. 6 p.m. "The Night After Valentine's Day Dinner" Surf and Turf. $35 
Fri. 9 p.m. Valentine's Friday w/ Karaoke by Dave Curtis. (Basket giveaways, Kissing booth, Prizes
Sat. 9 p.m. El Ka Bong
The Cure Insurance Center  
81 Hamilton Ave. Trenton  
(609) 656-3200  
Sat. 1 p.m. "Red, White and Brew Fest. $48
The Dubliner
34 North Main Street New Hope, PA 
(215) 693-1816
Sat. 7 p.m. Fiona Tyndall 
Sun. 2 p.m. David Falcone 
The Five Four Bar & Grill
8919 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 
(215) 547-5525
Thurs. 8 p.m. Karaoke w/ Paula and Sam 
Tues. 7 p.m. Music Bingo w/ Jonathan Appel
The Irish Horne Bar & Restaurant
882 2nd Street Pike Richboro, PA 
(215) 942-4000 
Sat. 8 p.m. Tuesday Night Special
The Ivy Inn
248 Nassau Street Princeton
(609) 921-8555
Thurs. 10 p.m. Karaoke w/ Trey Brown
Fri. 9:30 p.m. DJ BayNice
Sat. 9:30 p.m. DJ Darius
Tues. 7 p.m. Quizzo w/ Bob E Luv 
Wed. 10 p.m. Karaoke w/ Trey Brown  
The Morrisville Tavern 
376 West Trenton Avenue Morrisville, PA
(215) 295-5310
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Fri. 8 p.m. Cara Cartney
Sat. 8 p.m. Finster
Mon. 8 p.m. Karaoke
Tues. 8 p.m. Music Bingo
Wed. 7 p.m. Trivia Night  
The Newtown Theatre
120 North State Street Newtown, PA
(215) 968-3859
Fri. 8 p.m. The Ultimate Def Leppard Experience w/ "Adrenalize" $45.34
Sat. 8 p.m. The Ultimate Who Tribute Show w/ "Who's Next" $45.34
Sun. 3 p.m. A Tribute to Willie Nelson w/ "Philly Nelson" $34.86
Tues. 7:30 p.m. Portraying George Washington: An Evening with John Godzieba. $17.04
Wed. 3 p.m./7:30 p.m. "Dirty Dancing" $12
The Penguin Rocks (24 Hour On-Demand Music/Radio) 
Mon. -  Fri. "Radio Jersey" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Classic Jersey" Hosted by Gary Wien
Sun. - Sat. "Beyond The Palace" Hosted by Lee Mrowicki 
Sun. - Sat. "Danny Coleman's Rock On Radio" feat. Reock & Roll Revue
Sun. - Sat. "From The Basement" Hosted by Mike Marrone
Sun. - Sat. "Deuce Radio" Hosted by Matt Barker
Sun. - Sat. "Altrok Radio" Hosted by Sean Carolan
Sun. - Sat. "Lighty's Corner" Hosted by Gary Wien 
Sun. - Sat. "The Troubador Show" Hosted by John Godfrey
The Roost
181 Rte. 539 Cream Ridge
(609) 208-0050
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. DC Duo 
Fri. 8 p.m. Diablo Sandwich Band 
Sat. 8 p.m. No Way Out
Wed. 6 p.m. Joe Vadala
The Sycamore Grill
255 North Sycamore Street Newtown, PA
(215) 908-6326 
Fri. 8 p.m. Steve Tesluk
Sat. 8 p.m. SoulShine
The Tavern at Penns Park 
2295 Second Street Pike Newtown, PA
(267) 491-5658
Sun. 3 p.m. Shameless
The Union Firehouse
18 Washington Street Mount Holly
(609) 288-6491
Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic Night 
Fri. 8 p.m. The Grouser Girls. Doors open at 7 p.m., All ages
Sat. 7 p.m. STFU, Tether, Papier Mache, No Trees Touch The Sky, Lawnside. $15, Doors open at 6 p.m.
Sun. 1 p.m. ALL SYSTEMS GO STMNTS LIVE: A Memorial Show for Dean Mason feat. Burn Moore, The American Standard, Afloat. $10 (advance), doors open at 12:30 p.m. (7 p.m.) R&B Bash: The Official '90s & Early 2K's Era feat. DJ William H, DJ Wes Will, DJ E. $25 (VIP $35), doors open at 6:30 p.m., ages 30+
The Union House 
19 East Union Street Burlington
(609) 531-6077
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia
Fri. 8 p.m. Modern Mojo
Sat. Lovelight  
Tindall Road Brewing Co.
102 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown
(609) 526-8651 
Wed. (6 p.m.) Books and Beer (7 p.m.) Li-Brewery Trivia
Tir Na Nog 
1324 Hamilton Avenue Trenton 
(609) 392-2554
Sun. 3 p.m. "Irish Sessions" 
Tues. 8 p.m. Open Mic Hosted by Jerry & John Monk
All Shows 21+
Train Wreck Distillery 
25 Madison Avenue Mount Holly 
(609) 288-6300 
Sat. 7 p.m. Radio Fiction 
Trenton Social
449 South Broad Street Trenton
(609) 989-7777
Thurs. 5 p.m. "Happy Hour Throwback Thursday
Sat. 9 p.m. Live Music (TBA)
Mon. 6 p.m. "Monday Night Karaoke" Hosted by Sweets
Trinity Church
33 Mercer Street Princeton
(609) 924-2277
Sat. 6 p.m. "Love Is in the Air"  
Triple Sun Spirits
126 South State Street Newtown, PA
(215) 944-3057  
Sat. 8 p.m. John & John 
Wed. 7 p.m. Quizzo w/ Ed Packer
Vault Brewing Company
10 South Main Street Yardley, PA 
(267) 573-4291
Fri. 7 p.m. Dave Posmontir Trio
Sat. 7 p.m. Paul Lingerman Trio
Mon. 6 p.m. Quizzo
Village Idiot Brewing Company
42 High Street Mount Holly
(609) 975-9270 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Trivia 
Wildflowers Inn
2572 Pennington Road Pennington 
(609) 773-239
Thurs. 6 p.m. Rob Silvers
Wildflowers Too
255 Route 156 Yardville
(609) 585-5483
Wed. 7 p.m. Poker Night
Working Dog Winery
610 Windsor Perrineville Road Hightstown
(609) 371-6000
Thurs. 4:30 p.m. Justin Love 
Sat. 1 p.m. "Wine & Chocolate Trail Weekend" feat. Chris Roselle. $5
Sun. 1 p.m. "Wine & Chocolate Trail Weekend" feat. Ronnie Brandt 
WWFM 89.1 FM HD2 Radio
MCCC Old Trenton Road West Windsor
Mon. 7 p.m. "Danny Coleman's Got The Blues" 
Yankee Doodle Tap Room 
10 Palmer Square Princeton 
(609) 921-7500 
Wed. 7 p.m. Dueling Pianos
Zlock Performing Arts Center
275 Swamp Road Newtown, PA
(215) 968-846 
Thurs. 7 p.m. Bucks Student Music Society Concert Spring of '24
Sun. 3 p.m. Dance Del Bello: "Love Note, Mixed Repertory"

Danny Coleman is a veteran musician and writer from central New Jersey. He hosts a weekly radio program entitled 'Rock On Radio' airing Sunday evenings at 7:00pm EST on where he features indie/original bands and solo artists.

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Katie Henry

Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 7:30pm
Lizzie Rose Music Room
217 E. Main Street, Tuckerton, NJ 08087
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Are You Ready For It? A Taylor Experience

Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 7:00pm
State Theatre New Jersey
15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
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The Great American SoulBook

Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 8:00pm
William Paterson University - Shea Center for Performing Arts
300 Pompton Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470
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Mandy Patinkin In Concert: Being Alive

Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 7:30pm
McCarter Theatre Center (Matthews Theatre)
91 University Place, Princeton, NJ 08540
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The Isley Brothers

Saturday, February 15, 2025 @ 8:00pm
Bergen Performing Arts Center (bergenPAC)
30 North Van Brunt Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
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Westminster Conservatory to host free recitals for piano and flute

(PRINCETON, NJ) -- The Westminster Conservatory of Music will host two upcoming recitals; both are free and open to the public.


Harmonium Choral Society presents "Sing Me To Heaven" concerts in March

(MORRISTOWN, NJ) -- Join the acclaimed 100-voice Harmonium Choral Society for their March concert on Saturday, March 1 at 7:30pm or Sunday, March 2 at 3:00pm at the Morristown United Methodist Church. The concert features Eleanor Daley's exquisite Requiem and works by Heinrich Schutz, Dave Matthews and Caldwell and Ivory's Ain’t No Grave.


State Theatre New Jersey presents Peter Frampton

(NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ) -- State Theatre New Jersey presents Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee and Grammy® Award-winning guitarist, Peter Frampton – Let's Do It Again! Tour on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 7:30pm. Tickets range from $80-$360.


Lizzie Rose Music Room presents bluesman Selwyn Birchwood

(TUCKERTON, NJ) -- Award-winning Florida bluesman Selwyn Birchwood will perform live at the Lizzie Rose Music Room in Tuckerton on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Birchwood's 2023 album, Exorcist, is his fourth Alligator Records release. The young guitarist, lap steel player, songwriter and vocalist sets a course for the future of the blues with his visionary, original music. He calls it "Electric Swamp Funkin’ Blues," an intoxicating mix of deep blues, blistering, psychedelic-tinged rock, booty-shaking funk and sweet Southern soul, played and sung with fire-and-brimstone fervor.


New Jersey Youth Chorus Presents Men That Matter in Morristown

(MORRISTOWN, NJ) -- The New Jersey Youth Chorus (NJYC), a program of Wharton Arts, will present Men That Matter on February 23, 2025 at Morristown United Methodist Church located at 50 South Park Place in Morristown. The event is free. Showtime is 5:00pm.