We all know the fable of the swan who grows up 'ugly' in a family of ducks, later to find his appearance changing as he discovers his true identity. But, did you know, in the folk traditions of other cultures, different animals learn the lesson of the "ugly duckling." Virginia Rep unites the classic ugly duckling with the Burmese mole that hates dirt and the Inuit bald eagle with a full head of hair. These three "misfit" heroes work together to earn their home on the King's estate and find the self-confidence that only friendship and accomplishment can provide. Please join us for this all singing, all dancing, all delightful musical.
This performance fulfills the following State of New Jersey Core Curriculum Standard(s) and Algonquin Arts Performance Component(s): 21st Century Life and Careers (LIFE), Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), Language Arts Literacy (LAL), Music Education (MUS)
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