Main Stage, Free. Advance Registration Required
The event will also be live-streamed
The cost of this ticket has been generously underwritten by the sponsors of the Blauvelt Speaker Series
Robert Pondiscio is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he focuses on K–12 education, curriculum, teaching, school choice, and charter schooling. He became interested in education policy issues when he started teaching fifth grade at a struggling South Bronx public school in 2002. Before that, he worked in journalism for 20 years, including in senior positions at Time and BusinessWeek. Pondiscio is the author of many books, most recently How the Other Half Learns: Equality, Excellence and the Battle Over School Choice (Avery, 2019), which was praised as “unsparingly honest” by the New York Times Book Review and “a work of genius” by the Washington Post. He holds an MS in elementary education from Mercy College and a BA, English, State University of New York, Empire State College.
The Blauvelt Speaker Series is funded in part by the generosity of the late Bradford Thomas & Eleanor G. Blauvelt and The Wintrode Family Foundation.
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