(L-R) Works by Cathy Stricklin Hegman, AWS, D.F. "Guidance 2020"; Frederick Graff, AWS, D.F. "Heritage Hill"; Denny Bond, AWS "Numbers"
(MIDDLETOWN, NJ) -- The Middletown Arts Center is honored to present the American Watercolor Society's 155th Annual International Traveling Exhibition (2022-23) from April 1-29, 2023. One of the most revered watercolor showcases in the world, AWS's 155th Annual Exhibition was held at New York City's Salmagundi Club in April 2022, and displayed 140 paintings from artists around the country and the globe, selected by a panel of highly prestigious AWS Signature Members.
The traveling show comprises of 40 exceptional paintings chosen during the exhibition’s Jury of Awards, featuring a variety of watermedia including watercolor, gouache and acrylic. The Middletown Arts Center is the final venue on the tour schedule after stops at the Michelson Museum of Art (TX), the Pryor Art Gallery (TN), Mooresville Arts (NC) and the Fallbrook Art Center (CA).
The exhibition is free to the public. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 11:00am – 4:00pm, with additional night and weekend hours by appointment. The Middletown Arts Center is located at 36 Church Street in Middletown, NJ (next to the Middletown train station). Free parking is available onsite with additional free parking available in the station-metered lot on weekday evenings after 6 p.m. and on weekends. For information, please visit middletownarts.org or call 732.706.4110.
Artists included in the exhibition: Joanna Barnum, MD, United States; Denny Bond, AWS, PA, United States; Will Bullas, AWS, CA, United States; Chung-Wei Chien, AWS, D.F., Taiwan, Taiwan, Province of China; Shi Fan Ching, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China; Jansen Chow, AWS*, Malaysia, Malaysia; Tony Couch, AWS, GA, United States; Anni Crouter, AWS, MI, United States; Gerarde Doucette, NH, United States; Amit Gautam, Uttarakhand, India; Ken Goldman, AWS, CA, United States; Frederick Graff, AWS, D.F., SC, United States; Michael Granger, ID, United States; Tatsiana Harbacheuskaya, NV, United States; Wen Qing He, GanSu, China; Cathy Hegman, AWS DF, MS, United States; Xiao Xing Hu, AWS, SC, United States; Alexander Khlupin, NJ, United States; Linda Koenig, WI, United States; Jonathan Kwegyir Aggrey, GA, Ghana; Kevin Leahy, NE, United States; Pablo-Ruben Lopez Sans, AWS, Spain; Stacy Lund Levy, MD, United States; Liz Masi, AWS, NY, United States; Antonio, Masi, AWS, D.F., NY, USA; Jeannie McGuire, AWS, PA, United States; Christine Misencik-Bunn, OH, United States; Robert O’Brien, AWS, VT, United States; Catherine O’Neill, AWS, NY, USA; Sue Pink, AWS, FL, USA; Hannie Rieuwerts, Utrecht, Netherlands; John Salminen, AWS, DF, MN, United States; Jose Sebourne, PA, United States; Jerry Smith, AWS, D.F., IN, United States; David Stickel, AWS, NC, United States; Catherine Welner, OH, United States; Keiko Yasuoka, AWS, TX, United States; Joseph Zbukvic, AWS , Victoria, Australia; and Xiaozang Zhang, CA, United States.
The American Watercolor Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious art societies in the world. Indeed, election to the Society as a Signature Member is one of the most sought-after honors. AWS Membership comprises of many of the greatest names in painting throughout the Society’s history and includes the American impressionist Childe Hassam, regionalists Edward Hopper and Charles Burchfield, plus virtually every member of the important “California School” of watercolorists, and everyone in between, up to and including the late Andrew Wyeth.
The Middletown Arts Center (MAC) is an award-winning, state-of-the-art facility in Middletown, New Jersey that offers performances, exhibits, classes, demonstrations and camps centering on the arts. Its convenient location across from the Middletown train station on Church Street enables easy access and its expanded MAC Annex is minutes away at the Middletown Reformed Church’s Education Building. The MAC is operated by a non-profit 501c3, the Middletown Township Cultural and Arts Council which is dedicated to bringing quality arts programming and events to Middletown and surrounding communities.
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