Asbury Park rockers Candy Cavity’s recent single, “Not Over It,” is the Makin Waves Song of the Week. PHOTO BY JULIANNE MARKOW
Heartache has inspired many of Asbury Park-based Candy Cavity’s songs, including their latest single, “Not Over It.”
The grungy, jangly jilting that’s as bittersweet-sounding as the band’s name is the Makin Waves Song of the Week.
As the Makin Waves Song of the Week, “Not Over It” also can be heard between 6 and 8 p.m. on Jan. 6 on “Radio Jersey” at If you miss it, you also can tune in any time in the archives at The Penguin or MixCloud.
“This song is inspired by my ex-boyfriend/band mate,” said 2020 Makin Waves Female Artist of the Year Candace Schur, Candy Cavity’s founding front woman. “It was a crazy relationship. The years to follow were crazy. It ended very badly, and our band split right away. He and our drummer joined another band, and it took me almost a year to come back with Candy Cavity. I’ve written many songs about him. I’m pretty sure this is the last one. When I wrote this a few years ago, he and I were in a good place. I almost thought we were going to rekindle things, but I’m glad we didn’t. I think we just needed to have that closure. I wish him the best.
“I never thought I would ever get over it,” Candace continued. “It was hard to sing for so long after writing it too. I didn’t wanna get choked up. Steve Markow, my guitarist, was the one who pushed for us to bring this song into our set list and get it recorded. I agreed after he wrote my favorite solo he’s ever brought to our band. It’s just ridiculous how years later we finally released the song, and I am officially ‘over it.’”
Rounding out Candy Cavity on the track are bassist “Bahama” Brian Bethke and drummer Brian Wolinski.
The song was recorded at the new Bad Girl JuJu Studios owned by Jersey Shore photographer Julianne Markow, wife of Candy Cavity’s guitarist.
“The recording thing is new for Julianne,” Candace said. “During the pandemic, we put together a sick rehearsal space and home studio. We spent countless hours recording and demoing during that time. She has mostly only worked with us. She also knows our songs and how we're supposed to sound from being at every live show and most practices.
“Julianne has recorded two other singles that we've released in the last year and a half, ‘Secret Lover’ and ‘Who’s Happy Anyway,’” she continued. “The difference with those two songs was that it was just us. Steve played every instrument. Now that I have had a solid band for over a year, the Brians are on ‘Not Over It’ and on the rest of the recordings we're working on. We have four more songs currently in the works.”
Those songs also will be released as singles, Candace said, and the band eventually may release an EP follow-up to the five-song 2020 self-titled debut.
Having had a fun few months performing several great shows culminating with What a Wonderful Year at The Wonder Bar in Asbury, Candy Cavity return to the stage Jan. 15 at Pino’s in Highland Park for Bad Reputation’s Girls to the Front. The gathering showcases female entrepreneurs, artists, vendors, and music, which also will be provided by Typhoid Rosie.
For more about Candy Cavity, click
Bob Makin has produced Makin Waves since 1988. Follow Makin Waves on Facebook and contact Bob at