(NEWARK, NJ) -- Newark Arts will celebrate the outstanding life and career of Ellen Lambert, recently retired Chief Diversity Officer of PSEG, President of PSEG Foundation and Senior Director of Corporate Citizenship and Culture on April 11, 2017 at 15 Washington Street, Newark, NJ.
Flashes of Genius: A Powerful Celebration of Ellen Lambert will transform the Great Hall at 15 Washington into a sculpture garden, featuring art by Lambert, select Newark artists, and a specially-commissioned energy-powered work by lighting artist Sunil Garg. The one-of-a-kind fundraising event for Newark Arts will highlight Lambert's career as an advocate for women, underserved populations, social investment and the arts.
"What an honor it is to be recognized as a champion for diversity both in the corporate sector and in the arts. I am quite pleased to be a part of this exciting event to raise much needed dollars to support the arts community in Newark," said Lambert.
Derek Di Risio, president, PSEG Services Corporation, will present Lambert with Newark Arts' distinguished honors award. "PSEG has been a long-valued partner of Newark Arts and the broader community. We’re proud to recognize Ellen on her many years of leadership at PSEG and her commitment to diversity, philanthropy and the arts,” Di Risio said.
Lambert was appointed to the lead diversity role at PSEG in October of 2013 and held the other two roles at PSEG since February 2013. These roles included responsibility for the company-wide diversity and inclusion strategy as well as leadership of the Diversity and Inclusion Council, development and implementation of social investment strategies and overseeing employee engagement, corporate contributions, volunteering, sponsorships and employee giving programs. Prior to her positions at PSEG, she led the Merck Foundation and its Office of Corporate Giving. Lambert was the Executive Director of the ROCHE Foundation and Director of Corporate Relations and Contributions for the company. Until 2012, she served as a member of the advisory boards of Every Woman Every Child (UN), and the Global Water Coalition and Women for Water.
In 2017, Ms. Lambert announced her retirement from PSEG with plans to focus on her art and activism.
Newark Arts’ fundraiser helps sustain the non-profit's efforts to support community-driven initiatives. The organization is well-known for the Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival, an annual fall tour of public and private art spaces, studios and galleries across the city. Newark Arts has awarded over $500,000 in grants to neighborhood individuals and local organizations through the ArtStart program. Newark Arts is powering a community cultural plan for the City of Newark, Newark Creates, an eighteen-month planning process which will support the city's civic, social, and economic growth. Newark Arts is also the incubator of the Newark Arts Education Roundtable, a strategic alliance of 80+ arts education stakeholders, who ensure that Newark early learners and students have equitable access to high quality, sequential arts education opportunities.
“We couldn't think of a more deserving honoree than Ellen Lambert. Her career is a testament to the power of diversity, and Newark Arts has always been at the forefront of diversity in the arts," said Newark Arts Executive Director, Jeremy Johnson.
For tickets and sponsorship information visit newarkarts.org/flashesofgenius.
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